W-Care Capsule – General Gynecological Tonic Capsule

We understand the health problems faced by women and for curing them, we manufacture Ayurvedic Gynecology Medicine that can be taken without any risk.


W-Care – General Gynecological Tonic Capsule

We understand the health problems faced by women and for curing them, we manufacture Ayurvedic Gynecology Tonic Medicine that can be taken without any risk. The beneficial formulation of herbal and W-Care capsule manufactured by us offers relief from post delivery problems, menopause, skin disorders, monthly cycle problems, etc.

For Uterine disorders, W-Care Capsule is an ideal Ayurvedic Gynecology Tonic. It is a non-hormonal approach for the treatment of gynecological disorders.

Effective In

Regulates menstrual cycles
Stops all vaginal abnormal discharges
Relieves anxiety and stress In Leucorrhoea
Normalizes the secretion of vagina
Restores the vaginal pH to normal and prevent re–infection
Inhibits excessive uterine contractions
Protect from feebleness and lassitude
Provides relief from painful abdominal cramps


Each Cap. Contains

1 Saraca indica (Ashok)bark 95 mg.
2 Symplocos racemosa (Lodhra)bark 105 mg.
3 Pushyang Churna 60 mg.
4 Gaukshuradi guggal 60 mg.
5 Balsh modendron niryasha (Hirabol) 50 mg.
6 Kukutandtwak bhasma 25 mg.
7 Loha bhasma 25 mg.


1 to 2 capsule 3 times a day or as directed by the physician