W-care Syrup – A natural solution for gynecological health

W-care Syrup is a natural way to support your gynecological health throughout your life. It can help reduce pain, regulate periods, and improve overall well-being. With W-care Syrup, you can feel confident and empowered to take care of yourself.



W-care – A natural solution for gynecological health

W-care Syrup is a natural way to support your gynecological health throughout your life. It can help reduce pain, regulate periods, and improve overall well-being. With W-care Syrup, you can feel confident and empowered to take care of yourself.

Effective In

  • Regulates menstrual cycles
  • Creates a fertile Intra-uterine environment
  • Normalizes the quantity of menstrual flow
  • Normalizes the secretion of vagina
  • Restores the vaginal pH to normal
  • Provides relief from painful abdominal cramps

Dosages: 2 to 3 Teaspoonful 2 to 3 Times a day with milk, or as directed by the physician

Pack : 200ml