Sorelin cream – for psoriasis care

Sorellin Cream – For Psoriasis Care

  • Helps manage psoriasis.
  • Controls itching and redness of scalp
  • Reduces skin scaling, thickening, and discomfort.
  • Effective in treating boils, skin allergies.
  • Prepared with neem, karanj, Vatsak, and other various Ayurvedic herbs.
  • For external use only.


Sorellin – Psoriasis Care

Psoriasis is a medical condition that occurs when skin cells grow too quickly & not shed quickly leading to their piling up. Faulty signals in the immune system cause new skin cells to form in days rather than weeks. The body doesn’t shed these excess skin cells, so the cells pile up on the surface of the skin.

Psoriasis causes patches of thick, scaly skin that may be white, silvery, or red. Called plaques (plax), these patches can develop anywhere on the skin. The most common areas to find plaques are the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp.

Effective In

  • Provides prompt symptomatic Relief
  • Controls itching and redness of scalp
  • Reduces scaling and thickening of skin
  • Use as ant proliferative & anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-fungal, anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties
  • Beneficial in boils, skin allergies and blood diseases
  • Useful in dermatitis, Allergic skin conditions, Acne, Pimple, boils etc.
  • Acts through immune modulation, permanent cure in Psoriasis

Cream Composition:

NO. Each Cap. Contains
1 Vatsak  (Holarrhena antidysenterica) 3%
2 Neem  (Azadirachta indica) 3%
3 Karanj ( millettia pinnata) seeds 2%
4 Doorva  (Cynodon dactylon) 2%
5 Bavachi ( Psoralea corylifolia) 2%
6 Sat loban ( Styrax benzoin) 12%
7 Vetsamla ( Garcinia indica) 8%
8 Copra oil ( Cocos nucifera) 2%
9 Til oil (Sesamum indicum) 3%
10 Erand oil (Ricinus communis) 3%
Excipient Q.S.

Dosages: : To be applied on affected area on it OR As directed by the physician


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